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Il primo re (The First King)

Il primo re (The First King)
Direction : Matteo Rovere
Writers : Filippo Gravino | Francesca Manieri | Matteo Rovere 
Genre : History
Duration : 120 min
Country : Italy | Belgium
Alessandro Borghi 
Alessio Lapice
Tania Garribba
Fabrizio Rongione 
Ascent Film
Rai Cinema


Romulus and Remus are 18-year-old shepherds twin brothers living in peace near the Tiber river. Convinced that he is bigger than gods’ will, Remus believes he is meant to become king of the city he and his brother will found. But their tragic destiny is already written...

This incredible journey will lead these two brothers to creating one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen, Rome.


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GapBusters SA

Rue de Mulhouse 36
4020 Liège - Belgium
Operational office :
Boulevard de la Sauvenière 130
4020 Liège - Belgium
TVA : BE0627 643 943

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